Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Critique...Feature Final Draft

All I have to say in the way of designing a Vox feature: TALK TO YOUR EDITORS! Trust me, it makes designing the pages so much easier. After reading through a number of the vignettes I was having such a difficult time coming up with a cohesive design for Dirty Jobs -- which ended up as Gross Incomes. However, after speaking with Rob and Ali via email and grounding my thoughts I was able put together a draft that the editors recognized as a difficult task that I had a good start on.

It was a great experience to work on this particular feature, because it wasn't straight forward -- a single story with a set of photos to match. It was a challenge to see the connections, display prominence and work with a total number of stories changing multiple times over the course of the design process. 

In the end, I think my second feature turned out well! It's a great piece for my portfolio.

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