Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Critique...More Vox

Last month I critiqued my two Vox department spreads...this month I've got two single pages to share with you (photos to come).

The first one here is probably the quickest I've ever completed a department page. I suppose it's just one of those weeks when it all plays out well with the text, art, headline and ads. I was definitely grateful for that!

The second was a bit of a predicament because the story turned out to be such an awkward length given the quarter-page ad that was on it (yes, I know they're necessary -- but still don't have to like them) and that both the recurring sections were too long to fit in the excessive amount of white space I had. But I think it all worked out pretty great! 

Only one more department to design for Vox -- it's been a great semester!

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