Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Response...Prototype Drafts

Here's my thoughts...

Talk about some great work! This team has really got it together for Tuesday; which has definitely motived us at Shindig to put out some great work for Thursday. I agree with their publishers on the red/green cover; though I see what you mean on the rust color -- I just the green needs a little adjusting though.

Plaid Dad
Just keep in mind that it is ultimate your design -- I know the logo you went with was the publisher favorite, but some of your other options I felt were significantly better. Overall, you've got a great start. I hope something gets worked out on the crazy gadget pages, though!

Modern Midwest
I definitely think taking a stab at your own photography is the only way to go. It'll take a bit of extra work, but if you really take the time to plan it out and frame the photos well then I think it could turn out wonderful.

The style of you chose for your nameplate was great -- but I have to agree with Jan's comment about the "C" being rotated slightly. I know that you did that you make the name plate different, but it looks more out of place and than meaningful.

Here's where your comments come into place...we'd love the feedback. 

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